How To Deal With Dry Carpet Cleaning Doubters

In my experience, most people react sceptically when I try to explain why dry carpet cleaning might be the best way to treat their carpets. Wait, you are going to throw something ON my carpet?! Isn’t the whole point to remove stuff from the fabrics, not to add to the mess?

Well, the active cleaning compound used in dry carpet cleaning is one of the breakthroughs in domestic chemistry. It is 100% biodegradable and designed to penetrate deep into the fabrics of the carpet. Unlike hot water extraction, the method does not require a preliminary rinse, which effectively eliminates the risk of moulding.

Most people are confused by the very term “dry carpet cleaning” and think it does not involve any water. This is not the case – it applies a VLM cleaning system (very low moisture), based on high RPM (rotation per minute) treatment that spreads the cleaning compound evenly and allows it to react with the accumulated microparticles.

The advantages of the method are obvious – less time for treatment and drying out, less effort for the initial preparation, no risk of moulding and structural damage of the fabrics. A comparative study proves that dry carpet cleaning improves the look of the floor coverings more effectively and with greater sustainability than hot water extraction.

So if a customer expresses doubts about the procedure, do what I do – tell them to step aside and wait for an hour, and then show them the results. It will shut down any further discussion.